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Neil Biggs

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A sturdy performer and unofficially usually carries BCII captains armband.  What Neil lacks in speed he makes up for in weight.  Many an attacker has lost his breath just circumnavigating Neil's belly.  Most known for making it past the half way line once, but not knowing what the hell to do when he got there. 

Click to e-mail Neil

Click to review Neil's amazing Chess Board fact , if you don't know don't ask!!


Year of birt- 1970
Star sign - Capricorn
Height - Same as width
Weight - too much –
Always half of age
Eye colour - Mostly red
Favourite drink - Snowball
Favourite foods - Sea food
Favourite holiday dest - Italy
Date for a day - Kelly Brook
Dinner guest - Stephen Fry
Fav films - Jean de florrete
Fav song - Avenues & Alley ways - Tony Christie
Nickname - Biggsy, Dice
1st record - Dance yourself dizzy
Last cd/download - Franz Ferdinand
Question Neil would have asked - Do Jus & Rolfie really love each other - I think they do

The following are the answers to the players own questions....
Pink or Brown - Pink
Out of the rest of he current squad if you had to, who would you punch & why -
Richard Moss, do you need a reason!!
Most famous person met - The queen
Bunky's Highlight - Cup win
Bunky's Low point - Loosing a Bunky
What's the most disgusting thing you've ever eaten (keep it clean!) -
Hiro's BBQ thing
How does the snow plough driver get to work - Helicopter
Tits or Bums - Tits
Outside Bunky Chollox FC, what other sporting awards / Achievements have you had -
2nd at karting (Daytona) / MK Volleyball Champs
Abi Titmus or Jennifer Ellison - Jennifer Ellison
Most unusual place you've ever had a blow job - a what?
Best personal sporting moment - Interform Rugby champs
Dannii or Kylie - Dannii
Football Team supported - Bunky Chollox FC
Where would you like to live - Dorset, on a farm
What's the most frequent occurring mishap that happens to you - Sleep Narco....zzz

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