Rob's Rant
My rules- set by me
- I’m allowed to
go off on what I feel like.
- Nothing has to
be relevant to anything
- I’ll attempt to
stay off the subject of football
- I’ll attempt to
substitute swear words with their lesser-offensive equivalent.
26th May 2017
Airplane Passengers
I’m quite a frequent flier so have
experienced lots of flights where there’s lots of nice people all
with the same goal of getting somewhere with the least amount of
hassle and discomfort possible. I understand if you are a big person
that you might overspill or take up the arm rest a bit, at night you
might want to sleep and put the seat back to get comfy. What I
dislike and find annoying is if you are normal sized, on a day
flight, please consider the person behind you who has no
bloody room to move once you’ve put your seat fully back for no
On a recent flight, I was asked if I could
move seats to accommodate a family, no problem I still had a window
seat for the 7.5 hour journey. I was stuck behind some person who
did this, proceeded to watch TV and kiss and cuddle with (what I
presume) was his girlfriend. When I asked him to move his seat
forward a little bit when the meal came, I would have expected a bit
of consideration, not a movement of less than an inch forward.
Fortunately karma came into play and gravy was spilt down his back
whilst passing the tray to the stewardess, due to lack of room, but
that’s not the point (and may have been less of an accident than it
looked). Consider the poor b@$tard behind you first! And if a
request comes for more room, remember I’m clumsy at any point I feel
I need to be!!!
Craft Beer Experts
Ok so I’m not a fan of craft beers – I’ve
tried a few and some are ok, some are awful, none really appeal to
me. This said, I don’t have a grudge against them, or a good 75% of
people who drink them (including millennials who are close to having
their own specially targeted rant on here), but I do have a grudge
about a certain set of people who have to tell me all about their
experiences with craft beers. Why?
They always
use the same phrase about a craft beer from a while back that was,
“A beuuuuutiful drop”. This is said with accentuating the ‘U’ in
beautiful whilst slightly tipping the head back in the face
formation as if they were receiving a strand of spaghetti from
above. The word ‘drop’ has to be used – instead of drink, pint or
They always
presume that I’m interested in every drop of ‘Nobblers Cock’,
‘Weasels Wheatey’, ‘Thrumbastons Charwoman’ or ‘Bishops Bodypart’
they’ve ever tasted. I’m not interested and I never asked!
They always
also have to involve the person pulling the pint to ask if they have
a keg of a previous one they’ve had, “Excuse me barman, do you have
any of the ‘Chumpagumpers Breweries’ ‘Flaccid Marrowlifter’? It’s a
beuuuuutiful drop I discovered in the south coast!” inevitably the
barman will say no and pretend he had it on last week.
Then after
the barman has used a conversational avoidance technique, it’s
ignored with, “oh you should get some more in, it’s got a lovely
hoppy taste with an undertone of #insert fruit here# and a hint of
#insert other vegetable/fruit here# with a #insert flavour
description here (such as tangy or dry)# finish, beuuuuutiful!” to
the barman nodding his head and pretending he’s got a customer
waiting on the other side of the bar.
discover the beers – not went to the pub and tried it because it was
on tap, they discover them!
And then
there’s the actual drinking of the pint they have in their hand,
take a big swig and “ooooooh, lovely”
2nd Nov 2015
Salad cream
It goes in the fridge, there’s no two ways
about it – even on the back of the bottle it tells you to keep
refrigerated once opened. It’s quite a nasty sight flipping the lid
over on a room-temperature (21 degrees according to every science
lesson, science paper and science teacher I have ever encountered),
salad cream bottle and seeing the crust built over the outlet and
finding that it’s actually warmer than the lettuce or whatever
you’re trying to pour it onto.
House Temperature/Central Heating
I’m surprised it’s
taken me this long, but the salad cream one reminded me. Anyway –
people who have their heating on full power need to know –
scientifically agreed, room temperature is 21 degrees. It’s a
comfortable temperature to be in. If you personally are cold, put a
jumper on. If you are still cold, wear a coat. Still cold? Then
there’s something wrong with you. Go see a doctor. On Wikipedia,
there’s a big explanation about it, but I think the line that
quotes; “Although by other considerations the maximum should be
below 24 °C (75 °F) – and for
sick building syndrome
avoidance, below 22 °C (72 °F).[2]”
The other issue with this is that when
someone enters a room from outside and says, “Ooh it’s cold, let’s
put the heating up”. NO. You’re the one who’s cold, not the room –
and it’s because you’ve been outside. The thermostat controls the
ambient temperature, keeps it at a level, if you walk in and you are
cold, it’s because you are cold. Get your mind to work this in and
leave the bloody thermostat alone.
Current ‘Popular’ TV shows
I’m no sorry in saying how much I ignore
programs like Big Brother, TOWIE, Made in Chelsea or any other
connotations of this drivel. There are shows that, although helping
people, still follow the overly-use story line of not being able to
finish something in time and suddenly making it right at the last
minute (DIY SOS – prime example). Then there are programs that are
made to fill spaces in time with the cheapest and uninventive boring
tripe possible. The first of these I’ll bring to the court is that
Bake Off bullsh!t. My understanding is, it’s a cake making
competition, a bit like MasterChef (I could have sworn I did a rant
about this program also), but just with cakes. Not being a cake fan,
I couldn’t give a flying toss about how they are made, how difficult
and how they could be described. Moist, fluffy, light, citrus tang,
does anyone really have that much passion about a pointless
time-waste that they really want to give up all other opportunities
and spend an hour watching someone make a soufflé?
This applies also to;
‘Antiques’ buying and selling shows, what a
bag of turds
‘Buying and doing up houses’ shows – as
somehow the buyers only have budgets of £400k spare and want
something ‘modest’. Middle class, wax-jacket-wearing ring pieces!
Loose women – yes, I bet they are, very. And
Janet Street Porter is a (to steal a phrase) “Mongy Foghorn”
What the hell is going on in the last few
years with the motorways? Every single one seems to be getting
re-built. We need to check the sat-nav time and add on an hour for
each 50 miles we are travelling. Reduced speed limits agreed, are
for the workers safety, but surely at some point one road will be
completed and there will be free-flowing traffic? Not in the past 5
years there hasn’t been. I’m starting to think that all these
construction companies have actually hired out the middle sections
of the motorways to store their gear in. They aren’t working on
anything, they are all parked there until they get taken to a job.
They are also storing their gravel and sand there by the looks of
it. Maybe if they were forward thinking, they could put some parking
spaces in there as well – it’s save us having to wait in the actual
road for the traffic to reduce so the possibility of seeing third
gear would be more likely.
23rd June 2015
roller blind
The latest thing in my list of hates is
roller blinds. The set in our bathroom is completely amazing, no matter which
cord you pull, it's always goes the opposite way you want it to. There's a
dongle thingy on it and I'm definite that it changes place. Before you tell me
its position and relativity to direction of blind will alter depending on the
current position of the blind, I already know this, yet every time I try to open
or close, the bloody thing does the opposite, knowing full well that it's being
a pr!ck. I've checked the position of toggle when it is open, closed, being
opened and being closed, it changes! My conclusion is that either someone keeps
swapping it around or it's got a weird gear system designed to be as awkward as
possible. There are two options, put up with it, or let the neighbours be
frightened at a free show. Actually it's just going to end up ripped off and
thrown into next doors garden!
19th September 2014
Hotel Rooms
I know this isn’t
just me and have checked by asking some people who frequently have to stay in
varied hotels as their job requires them during visits and meetings. I also
don’t believe in energies within Feng Shui, but recognise familiarity links with
comfort and security.
So there I was, arrived in the hotel for the
night, which I’ve stayed in a couple of times. It’s a nice, clean, modern place,
the foyer is modern and minimalist, the concierge is friendly and helpful and
it’s all pretty good. The thing I had is that every time I stayed there, when I
got into the room, it felt a bit like a generic 4 star hotel. Everything in the
pre-built, same place, same amenities and pretty much had no ‘connection’ to the
room. The latest visit was a bit different. As per usual, had the meeting,
finished it later than planned and went to the room to get changed before
heading out. Got to the room, opened the door, but instantly it felt different,
somehow a bit more homely. After noticing this I realised that it was because
the layout was different from all the others I’d been in. The bathroom was on
the left hand side when entering, which was opposite to every other time I
stayed there (coincidental I guess that I’d always had a right-sided room) and
everything was set in mirror as to what I was used to there – it was what I’d
classify as a left-sided room. It was different, but somehow felt better. It can
only have been down to the opposite layout. Later on we chatted about this and
realised that another in our team said exactly the same, but his was a
left-sided room and it didn’t feel right as he preferred a right-sided room.
Anyway – this isn’t a rant, I know, but some weird observation, probably proving
I have some deep-seated OCD and psychological issues
1st May 2013
David Bowie
Only up until recently did I realise how
awful this bloke’s singing is. To be honest I never took notice, mainly
imitating him for comedy value but never noticing actually that he cannot sing
in the slightest. It’s just a waily whingey voice that bears no resemblance to
tune or tone. Driving along with a mate, one of his songs was playing, and damn
he is terrible. Basically talking his way through with complete and utter
nonsense lyrics which aren’t amusing, interesting or thought provoking, just
utter drivel coming out of a mockney ‘trying to be new romantic still’ , failing
to be any good moaning annoyance that he tries to blag as a singing voice. The
perfect example of this is the Sony advert out at the moment where there is a
couple in India (I think at a Holyday festival) throwing dried paint about and
washing their phone under the tap (see Smart phones), with this painful warbling
going on in the background with the lyrics of, “Rain, Rain, Go Away, Nothing to
see, Nothing to say” (or something like that). Dull, stolen from a nursery
rhyme, badly presented and just basically toss. I’m actually hoping he’s a good
musician otherwise there have been a lot of people led along over many years
thinking he’s a good artist, when he’s worse than some of the contestants that
don’t even make it past the first stage of pop idol.
People over-agreeing during presentations
Ok so some presentations are interesting,
some are dull and some you have to endure sitting near a person who thinks that
they should make noise all the way through. This isn’t the usual acceptable
noises such as a cough or sneeze, or even maybe the odd rumble from a stomach,
no, this is the bloody annoying action in which politicians do in the houses of
parliament. We’ve all been to a presentation where we agree with the presenter,
are mildly surprised with the information or raise eyebrows at what’s being
presented. When a presenter asks the audience a question the acceptable norm is
a mumble of agreement or acceptance, but this is when required, what is not
needed is a “mmm” or tut at every bloody part of their speech. If they tell you
that the Scottish market sells the most amount of Irn Bru in the country, don’t
sit there nodding and mumbling agreements to yourself, SHUT UP!!. If they say
the market for Sinclair C5’s has diminished, we don’t need to hear your tut from
the other side of the room. Stop trying to make it look like you knew this sort
of thing is happening or was going to happen, stop pretending that you know what
the presenter is saying and SHUT UP because your noises are annoying, too
frequent and make everyone in the vicinity want to give you an elbow to the
neck!!! What exactly are you looking for? Recognition that you pretended to
‘get’ what they were presenting? Do you think the presenter will personally
thank you for paying attention? No one near you needs to talk as they are too
busy listening and actually taking in the info. What you should do is take the
presentation in a room on your own and dribble on it, shout “YEEEEEEESSSSSS” at
it and frap off in your own privacy, not fill mine and all others ears with your
noises which sound like a nun being shafted by the vicar next to mother
superiors bedroom!!!!
15th April 2013
Smart phones
Something that has
gotten me recently is the acquisition of a new phone' a smart phone no less. Now
you'd think, knowing that I'm a technical genius :) that I’d take to this with
the ease of a politician ripping off the needy, but this is not the case. Now I
have the basics working and can use them fluently, apart from the function of
texting / writing what I want. Predictive text is a great facility, but not when
it's changing what you want to write into a load of junk, that you only spot
when it's trying to send the message. typing in something simple like "I'll be
home in a hour" turns into, "I'm setting up plans to invade a small European
swimming pool" for those of you who know, you should always check if you are
sending a text to a family member where you have t use the words 'aunt'. on my
particular phone it seems to understand when I require to send the message in a
swift manner, and come up with the most complete rubbish possible and then exit
form the message whilst half way through spouting out this gubbins. now the rest
of the functions on the phone are quite good, better than the iPhone (you bunch
of sheep), and there is an abundance of crap to load onto it that I'll never use
or be bothered with, but I have no idea what there is so much that's not needed.
the main functions which the phone isn't able to do which would add much more
benefit would be to have a lighter and bottle opener, then everything we need
would be sorted (also some form of easy goods payment as an alternative to
passing over cash would be nice) this way all you'd need is a your phone, then
it would be 'smart'!!
Clueless politicians
Yes I know everyone has
a gripe with them, everyone thinks they are all buffoons, but we vote them in
and it's still better than having a dictator demanding we do what they say. The
issue is that there seems to be a special few who are just completely void of
rational thought. Osborne I think his name is quoted 'I can live on £53 a week'.
Well maybe for one week, if you've got a months shopping in, paid the rent and
bills, filed the car with petrol and aren't going anywhere or doing anything,
but in reality it's a load of rubbish. Then there's the expenses scandal, tell
me who doesn't make the most of their expenses when permitted? well, if they
seemed t get away with it for quite a long time before being spotted, in a
normal corporation this would / should have been spotted and questioned very
quickly (in real terms this means a month, political terms it means 4 years).
They seem to fail to notice that everything they do and say could go to press
and will have consequences, surely they should think first? But no, that's their
advisors faults, so the sack them with the excuse "you didn't advise me not to
be a twat". The exception to being a fool is Boris Johnson; he's the comedy
value, the likable idiot or the gumby of the group. Any idea he has will be
slightly funny, any thing he does will turn out to cause mirth, solely due to
the fact that he is beyond self righteousness, is he allowed a pardon in this
Ignoring seat allocations.
Ok so this is quite a
specific one, but every long haul flight I've been on this has happened. I can
excuse the elderly as they may be confused or not used to flying, I can excuse
parents of young children who may need to sit next to their kids, what I can't
stand is the total ignorance of some idiots who can’t match their ticket number
to their seat number, when clearly marked. On a recent flight I sat in my seat,
quickly and easily as I have the ability to match my seat number on the ticket
to the seat number displayed on the overhead lockers. There was a couple sitting
to the window seats to my right, a couple in the aisle seats in front of me and
a few people dotted around. When the plane starts filling up, all sorts of
commotion ensues. the couple on the right are being asked (politely) by the
flight attendant if they have tickets for both seats as there is a passenger
standing looking quite defiant at her allocated place, they are pretending to
ignore her and look out of the window. The attendant eventually taps one on the
shoulder who throws a disgusted look and they continue to mess around waving
tickets about. Turns out that both of the idiots aren't in their seats at all
and one should be in the middle of an aisle, the other in the middle of a window
seat somewhere down the plane. Similarly with the couple in front of me, same
reaction, same result. These people should be slapped, we booked our flights,
chose our seats and sat in them, pissing around and trying to blag another is
just wasting everyone's time and patients. The next happening which nearly
caused me to get the hump was when a stewardess asked me if I would mine
switching with someone, I asked who. She said a mother and child have been split
up and if I could move further up on an aisle seat and they take mine and the
empty next to me. In this instance it was ok, a) because I wouldn't be sitting
next to a kid. b) I ended up with much more leg room. This was ok, but if they
had said it was the couples being stupid they would have been told to shove it
where their lifejackets are stored!!
Sports parents
I recently watched a kids sports
tournament (went to see my cousin, not just to go and watch children) and found
how idiotic some parents can be regarding their views on sports. During the
game, team A were wiping out the opposition (team B for reference). It got to
around 15-0 and team B were becoming obviously frustrated. The coaches brought
in their teams for a chat. For some reason team B were a little longer in
discussion than team A, but this might be because the coach was recalling each
goal. the game continued, team B turned dirty, swiping, hacking and generally
playing more aggressive than allowed at that age group. Then the bomb hit, a one
on one with the keeper of team B, keeper comes out and totally wipes out the
attacker with obvious intention to injure. Attacker crumples like a sack of
spuds, game is stopped, attacker is carried off. Mr. Knob head (we'll call him)
comes out with, "ha ha great challenge, that'll teach him". f*#king idiot, it's
a bunch of kids playing, what kind of stupid parent thinks it is good that they
are smashing each other to pieces at the age of 9?? Anyway, Mr. Knob head got an
earful from numerous onlookers, including the supporters of team B. surely he
must realise that he looks like a tw@t shouting things like that and I sincerely
hope he spends the next 6 months wallowing in disappointment that his kid was on
such a naff team to lose 15-0. W4nker!!
Double tums
Ok I'm not specifically
having a go at fat people; I'm picking out a group of specifically unneeded
over-weight wastes of space I didn't believe exists outside of the TV. I have
seen a few ridiculously sized people in the UK, which isn't genetic, it's not
due to problems or issues, it's down to eating more calories than being burnt
(see a Ricky Gervais stand-up show if you want more refinery on this). I'm not
slim, athletic and would be classed as overweight on the edge of obese, but I
can do up my own shoelaces, am taller than round and can see my hose when
watering the pineapple chunks, so am not being out of order, it's realistic.
sitting at an eating area in a shopping mall (centre - spelt correctly - that's
a different issue though) I had ordered a chicken sandwich, the person next to
me ordered a burger and fries, the next one ordered 2 double burgers, fries, a
burrito and Caesar salad (as if the salad were going to contribute in a positive
way), with an extra large coke and a carton of mayonnaise. This made no waves
until the person said "actually I'll probably need some more fries as that won't
all fill me up." I then turned to be nosy. this man was around 5.7' and I
couldn't even guess on his weight, but his stomach looked like a big pink
elephant testicle that hung just above his knees below his t-shirt line, which
incidentally both his t-shirt, jogging Bottoms (irony) and lunch all contained
the same saturated fat contents due to the amount of spillage on them. I then
saw this person go over to his table and feast upon the bountiful goods he has
purchased, nailing the lot in minutes (admittedly I think I could do the same)
but then walking back up to get a milkshake for pudding. mystified by this I
wandered at what point will he realise that he is going to be totally ruined by
the time he's 40 (I estimate he was about 20) and probably on the verge of
keeling over. I then came to the conclusion that it's totally his own fault,
there’s not requirement for that amount of consumption, I personally eat loads,
but not every meal so that my stomach stretches that little bit more each time.
in the space of about half an hour a number of track suited, belly hangers went
up to the various stalls, filled a tray with fried, battered or diabetes
inducing foodstuffs and dined in what would be classed as trailer-style. There
is no need for this, they do it to themselves, they use the healthcare to sort
them out when they break because of it and then carry on as before. I wish that
there were easier ways of eating better food, but we're screwed as it's totally
true that shite is cheaper than shine. As a footnote, pork scratchings don't
count as bad food :)
22nd October 2012
Race marshals
The newest addition to my
rantables is race marshals. Ok I understand they arte there for safety reasons,
I get the fact that they are there to keep the race flowing, but they appear to
be in the same leagues as referees. I wholly believe that referees do such a job
as they want to get back at the people who didn't pick them in the team at
school. the major difference is that the latest batch of race marshals I
conflicted with were about 16, couldn't legally drive outside of the go-kart
track and don't understand that a part of racing includes defending your
position on the track!! I'm going round on a semi-decent lap; catch up with the
kart in front, which is also held by a slower driver. This gives the opportunity
for the kart behind me to catch while we try and navigate the buffoon in front
(being lapped) who appears to be towing a caravan, given the speed they are
attaining. So we all fly past at a given opportunity and the marshal waves me a
blue flag, for the slower driver who caught me up solely due to miss daisy being
in the way, to allow to overtake. I expressed my opinion via the medium of sign
and don't give way. This is followed by the little scrotum disabling my engine
temporarily, allowing the back runner to overtake. I prove my point on the next
lap by overtaking the kart again and gesticulating to the marshal that I was
wrongly punished. To summarise, leave me alone to race, you spotty moron.
After a recent trip to
Paris, I found out a truth, which I previously dismissed as just a bad
experience by people. It. turns out that the greater majority of Parisians are
actually rude, arrogant spanners. The hotel staff where we stayed were rude and
unaccommodating. We asked if there was a bar open near by, this was replied with
a shrug and a turn of shoulder. We ask a taxi driver, he has the same reaction.
We find some students and they were very helpful. There must be some training
Parisians go through when getting a job, which makes them become a bunch of
twats. To counter this somewhat, the staff on the euro star, the taxi driver to
the venue and the students were ok. The rest were not.
Having a massive rant
ready to type down and then getting back to find that I've completely forgotten
The bloke from that
African wildlife/vet programme and the D.I Blake TV show (I think)
He’s just around in TV
world to depress and make everyone's night mardy. I am not saying he's been type
cast but bloody hell, all he is ever in is a mediocre situation, where nothing
major is happening, he acts stressed and then everything turn out fine and is a
total waste of time watching. If it's not a wildebeest with a thorn in its foot,
or a leopard with an uneven fur pattern, it's him being suspended from his job
for a week as a copper, for being a witness to something. Absolute rubbish. I
don't know his name, but the long-faced mardy acting stress monkey should break
this typecasting non-entertaining toss that he keep appearing in. he's not
interesting, not funny and not enjoyable, he's like a dose of meningitis.
Churchill adverts
Surely the advertising
standards agency should be investigating those stupid, weak message adverts with
that fake oversized puppet dog. Not because of false advertising, solely due to
the fact that they are such poor adverts. They are not funny, they are not
'different' they don't stand out or give a point to think of. They are bland
middle-England dross. Their attempt at dull slapstick comedy or prop comedy
doesn't work, and that Martin Cloones bloke has well and truly fully sold out.
In men behaving badly, he was the least funny out of the two, but offered
moments of value. Obviously becoming the unfunny doctor in an unsuccessful TV
series has taken this skill out of him. He should take his upside-down top lip,
stupid puppet co-flop, his boring insurance messages and shove them well and
truly up the producer’s poop-shute!!!
26th March 2012
Whilst slumming it watching the Jeremy
Kyle show, I’ve noticed an insurgence of a new phrase building up, mainly to do
with the DNA tests. The culprit now is the phrase, "It means the world to me" or
similar derivatives. Now I was quite happy spotting the uses of "at the end of
the day" during my scumming sessions, watching society stoop to all levels of
low, but now with this new saying, I'm finding it more annoying that it's
previous dominator. The problem I have is that no one using the term actually
understands the meaning of it in the first place. Some lad in polyester
tracksuit will bound on stage, giving it large about how he loves this child who
he doesn’t think is his, then slate the mother, whilst openly admitting to
sleeping with her best mate when she was pregnant with this apple of his eye.
He’ll then admit to not providing anything for his angel and inform the audience
that he's also not bothered bonding, as there's a 50/50 chance (the next new
thing) that the kid might not be his. If it actually did mean the world (as he
says) then he'd have done a lot more to provide for the child (as the almighty
JK informs him to the audiences' delight). bottom line is (or should I have said
"at the end of the day") he's done nothing, with minimal effort and he actually
means he'll be chuffed for as long as it takes for the first CSA bill to come
Public radio stations - they are just as
shockingly shite abroad as in England. On a recent visit to another climate, I
forgot to take some cd's to play in the hire car, therefore resulting in trying
to find a radio station that wasn't either constant accordion songs, polka, chat
shows or news 24/7 (apologies for using Americanisms). So there we were,
trundling along a peage with a station playing an English song (which bothers me
neither way as it's better than listening to local folk music) ' when the
highlighting annoyance of these types of station bring forth. Not the adverts'
as they have to earn money somehow and provide their mentally reduced presenters
with their wages, but the inane slurry, spewing out of the presenters' mouths
about the latest topics of the day' then the announcement that the station
you’re listening to is 100% music and they don't talk over your favourite songs!
(Even my limited understanding of the language picked this up). It is a total
lie, in fact it's so much of a lie, it's nearly religious! During a 8 hour
round-trip journey, I counted 8 different songs, on a repeat cycle, given each
song is about 3 mins long' and repeated (for what we counted) 8 times during the
journey,, this gives a total play time of 3.2 hours, leaving 4.8 hours (or 4
hours, 48 minutes for the specific requires out there) of adverts and drivel.
The adverts took just over half of this spare time, leaving around 2 hours for
the presenters to spew out their self-obsessed crap. But no, there's also the
requirement to mention the radio stations' name and how it plays all of your
favourite music all the time, total turds!! If they did, then there would be
music for an hour, adverts for a minute between each song and the (I refuse to
use the word dj as they do very little jockeying with any discs of any type)
vocal-prat having very little input. I believe that commercial radio should be
changed, or at least sued for their advertising lies!!
Aaand another thing, queues, why the hell
do we humans love them? Going anywhere, or doing anything? Best way to start is
form a queue. I've become a bit adverse to this conformism now that if on my
own, I'll refuse myself the pleasure of joining the queue. I have started
enjoying the melee of a bundle, or blind panic. Look for example at a public
house, a business which has been successful since the dawn of time gentlemen
please! (To keep it in the scope of the topic). The pub has the correct queuing
system, horizontally. This way everyone gets a looking at the same time and you
can see what's going on. Vertical queuing systems in a place like this wouldn't
work as it affords no interaction and would take a perceived longer time to
satisfy requirements. So why not apply this to all aspects? Queue for a plane?
Get your ticket at a bar and then get straight on, need to sort something out at
the bank? Go to the bar and stop being so protective over how much money you
have or owe, you can't take it with you when you're dead so why the worry? I
urge the government to re-think queuing systems t gives s all a fair crack at
being served first, no matter when we arrive at the service point (as long as
I'm first)
battery powered technology, how come a
battery will last for hours on end, when using a laptop at home, yet once I go
away and leave the charger at home, knowing that the battery is at 100%, it
immediately decides that the 5 hours life in the office, translates to 30 mins
when needed for a hour? Similarly for network access, works fine when working
from home, shocking when working from somewhere which has a higher connection
Lastly - congratulations to Bordeaux
airport for having the bollocks to charge €3.50 for a bottle of coke
28th June 2011
People in general
Ok not everyone
deserves a slap or poke in the eye, but there are an amazing amount of people so
thick that they can’t see the obvious or don’t deserve to be alive. I only
picked up on these because I seem to have watched TV for a longer amount of time
than usual recently, now I realise why I don’t watch it.
Example 1:
Watching Embarrassing
Fat Bodies last night (to make myself feel slim) there was a woman on there who
had paid for a gastric band to be fitted. She went to Belgium and paid for it
privately, then came onto the program to say she didn’t think it was working
properly. She had lost 11 stone at max, but put back on something like 3 stone.
The doctor said she’d arrange to get the band checked that it’s still working
and is in place etc, and then asked about the woman’s diet. Just after this
point I thought “you fool, it’s bloody obvious what’s caused it” and wished that
there was a slap button on the telly so I could project a full pimp-hand into
her face. She said that, “Well I generally can’t eat an apple, but found I can
eat chocolate instead, so I drink lots of Latte’s and hot chocolates.” And isn’t
it obvious why you’re putting in on!!!!!!! Stupid woman!!!
Example 2:
Something to do with a
baby hospital in Liverpool. Ok so it’s full of sad stories and babies in
intensive care etc. but there was a baby in there who had been in for 3 weeks,
they showed you the nurses taking care of it and everything. My instant thought
was ‘maybe the mother is ill or not strong enough to do that, but then they said
that the mother had gone home and not been in for 10 days. What an un-caring
cow. So then they show you her at home, with her other two kids, stating that
the hospital is 14 miles away and she can’t get there, plus there’s no-one to
look after the other two kids, plus another few pathetic excuses that didn’t
hold any weight. The fact that she had 2 mates around there who, to be honest, I
wouldn’t have trusted them either, but then again I wouldn’t have trusted the
mother to look after a packet of fags. This might be just my opinion, but she is
a scummy b!tch, if you had a child in intensive care, that was 14 miles away,
you’d walk, crawl or ask someone for a lift to get there. I don’t care how many
pathetic excuses you have. All I can hope is that when social services remove
the baby from you and your scabby turd-hole of a flat is that they put it in a
home where it’ll be treated like a baby, not a revenue stream from child
Car Park People
If you park your car
within the lines in a car park, open your door and not hit anything either side
of you, then obviously you’re either a careful person, or you are a normal
individual who isn’t a f@#king tw@t. If you open your door, using the car next
to you to stop it from swinging fully open, not give a toss that you’ve dented
the car next to you and carry on regardless then you deserve to have your door
handles smeared with dog poop. Just saying, if I catch anyone doing it to mine
again, be prepared for a smelly dented motor you moron!
People giving
If you have a problem,
don’t come to me whinging about it, unless you have at least thought of a
solution or have an idea of what you want to be done about it. In fact, don’t
whinge to anyone about anything unless you have a solution. For the previous
rants on this issue, shoot the two people I focussed on, and then remove the
denty car idiot’s driving licence. That’s how it’s done, not just whinge whinge
On the bright side,
there’s a willow tree outside my office that looks just like the one in Ice Age
2 that Ellie thinks it’s her mother.
19th October 2010
Kitchens Direct advert.
Something that’s
annoyed me recently is the Kitchens Direct advert. It’s never going to be that
interesting or a production worthy of Hollywood, but at least put some director
skills into it. It’s a tiny thing to notice and now I wish I hadn’t, but now I
have it’s amazingly poor how this editing and directing shambles could have ever
made it onto public television. The miniscule error I am talking about is the
start of the ad where generic female house owner walks across her newly fitted
perfect kitchen spouting some scripted jizz about how easy / affordable /
amazing the new kitchen is. She’s not naturally walking through the kitchen and
happens to mention it, she starts from a standing
point and awkwardly heads forth into marketing gumph. There’s a millisecond of
hesitation which gives away the fact that the director thinks it’s a good thing
to show – it’s not – it proves that there was a poor script that no imagination
could be allowed for interpretation and the director obviously was doing it a)
by the book, b) cheaply with no imagination or c) like the little jump up
pompous weasel they probably are. If you’re going to advertise something, do it
properly, and don’t leave in production errors. On a lighter note there’s an
advert for some scummy accident claim firm which is quite honest – unfortunately
the name is easily forgettable – so obviously that advert didn’t work well
Credit card made up charges
I recently got fined
£12 by the credit card company for apparently missing a payment. The phone call
went something like this:
R: “I’ve been charge
£12 for a missed payment – why is this?”
CC: “I can see on your
account you paid in late, causing this late payment fine”
R: “I paid in late? I
have it set up as a standing order so that it automatically pays on the same
date so I don’t have this trouble”
CC: “I can see that
sir, but we have changed the payment due date”
R: “Right – did you
inform me of this?”
CC: “Yes sir I can see
that it was informed to you on your statement”
R: “My statement? I
don’t get statements sent to me – I requested on-line statements”
CC: “Yes sir it would
have showed you on the online system”
R: “Ok please can you
check your records and see how long I’ve been requesting access to your online
system as I have been unable to log in”
CC: “Yes sir it shows
you have had a problem for the last 4 months logging into the system”
R: “So therefore if I
cannot log into your system, which has been investigated and agreed that there
is a fault at your end, then I can’t see the notice, cannot action anything and
therefore am not liable to pay the fine”
CC: “But you did pay
late sir”
R:” No, I paid on time
– the same time I always have. I don’t get my wages paid any earlier, so why
should I pay you any earlier?”
”Yes sir, but we did put a notice on your statement”
R: “Which I couldn’t
access could I?”
After a few more
reminders to them that they need to sort out their system, I got my £12 back.
Not a big victory but proof that script reading is for brain-dead key-monkeys
and that financial institutions continue to do what the f@#k they want!!
20th July 2010
World Cup Throw-Ins
I’ll tell you what’s
been annoying me recently.
Not the world cup
itself, that was great, even though I could rant
about the pathetic effort made by the England squad.
Not the vuvuzelas, as
I thought they added some noise to some games which would have been a silent
Not even the fact that
it’s now over and we have to wait ages (a few weeks) before the new season
I am not happy with
the amount of time I watched a professional, world class player, take a thrown
in and mess it up, but for the ref to allow it anyway. There are rules about
throw-ins, I have seen them! I have been caught once or twice taking a
foul-throw. But to watch a whole tournament consisting of at least (to my
judgement) 40% of throw-ins to be foul-throws was annoying to say the least. It
nearly got to the stage where the throw-in could have been a roll-in and the ref
would have allowed it. Rory DeLapp, there’s how to take a throw-in, ball goes
behind head and using both hands, delivers the ball from behind and over his
head. It seems that this rule is now stretched to,
Ball goes behind head,
over head and placed neatly right to the team member 1 inch away from the
thrower who has kneeled down to put the ball on the floor.
Ok the ref’s made a
few mistakes here and there with fouls and balls going over lines, but this one
is one that gets punished at even the lowest levels, so how come the pro’s get
away with it?
World cup teams –
throw it properly, not like a limp-wristed fairy!
6th July 2010
Right then, my Bunkys team-mates,
An apology is required,
Yes I know I was wrong,
I should not have got so fired.
So I write these lines to say I’m fine,
And regret my actions at the time.
Can I add that my harsh words,
Uttered loud and few,
Not sent off because I was wrong,
T’was 'cause it’s bloody true!
8th June 2010
Right then – what has
wound me up recently…. For starters;
That bloody Volvic 14
day challenge advert with that middle-class flop, who has obviously got no
friends, failed any sort of education system and is a total pr!ck.
Jimmy, is his name, and
he has to drink 1.5 litres of water a day for 14 days – so what? Well done mate,
you managed to buy something more expensive than petrol and visit the loo more
than normal. Enthusiasm is there – similar to a child’s enthusiasm when
presenting you with their latest pile of crap painting, or of an American
game-show contestant who has just won $5000.
Anyway the phrase that
gets me is, “I’ve got five minutes off work and yeah I’m gonna have a cheeky
Volvic.” No, you are a f@#king bell-end!!!
You can’t have a
‘cheeky’ Volvic, you can’t have a ‘cheeky’ anything if it’s perfectly acceptable
and healthy! The meaning of ‘cheeky’ is mischievous, naughty, defiant, not
healthy, you idiot. You can have a cheeky water in Scotland – as it means to
have a quick beer. You can have a cheeky fag, if you’ve sneaked out quickly. You
can even have a cheeky shag, if you’re round the back of somewhere and you’re
that way inclined. What you can’t do is have a ‘cheeky’ f@#king anything if it’s
on your break, does not offend anyone at all and is basically taking in nothing
but H2O!
Bottom line is – you
are a ponce, with no friends (as they somehow don’t appear in camera shot in the
advert), a crappy job being a waiter in a tiny restaurant, need a haircut and a
slap, you all-exited-about-nothing waste of space.
Britain’s Got Talent
Ok it’s a talent show,
so I should expect a bit of junk to appear. This doesn’t annoy me, rather than
amuse. I don’t get wound up at the people who come on, are totally crap and then
complain about the judges. I don’t even mind the people who turn up and are
good. What I’m bored with is 4 things – Mediocre dance groups who as many
different tunes in 5 second sections, solo dancers who do the same, Michael
Jackson impersonators and people with their bloody dogs ‘dancing’.
Dance groups – at least
be good at what you do, look different and give some good effect.
Solo dancers – you
can’t actually do that much different to what has already been done, so unless
you can, then leave it.
MJ impersonators – did
anyone remember the kiddy fiddling charges? Has everyone forgot that this man
was mentally deranged, had chameleon skin and some dodgy ways with young boys?
Dancing dogs – ooooh
now you’re starting to light a fire of abuse. I shall refrain from most of the
descriptive adjectives I would normally use for these flowery, fairy-headed,
soppy jockeys of the dandelion-and-burdock-greased sausage! You’ve got a dog
that you’ve trained to do certain things – good on ya, I couldn’t be bothered
personally. And you’ve managed to incorporate this into a routine, ok this is
getting a bit silly, but ok something to show your mates. Now you expect a who
load of people to watch you pretending to dance with the dog as if it’s your
partner (which I’m not sure that kind of relationship is legal in this county).
You prance around badly, while the dag actually looks better and more
co-ordinated than you. It’s been done before and it was mediocre at best then.
Leave it alone, keep it in your little club competitions, don’t put it on
frigging telly. Lassie would sh!t on your doorstep if he/she ever saw it!”
30th April 2010
Certain phrases.
I’ll tell you what I’m not happy about at
the moment- it’s the use of certain phrases, which
seem to have seeped into the English language from the sewer of phrases.
Number one in the charts is the phrase ‘At
the end of the day, right’ or ‘At the end of the day, yeah’ during an argument.
It’s the Jeremy Kyle, Trisha, day-time telly’s world who
seem to only be able to make an argumentative sentence by using this
phrase when really it was not needed. For example I quote from an episode
“Yeah well, at the end of the day, yeah,
she’s just a lying cow!” Actually what it didn’t need was any phrase apart from
the lying cow bit. Stop using this expression to fill in your limited
understanding of the English language and its’ sentence building properties.
Number two comes in as, “I was taken aback!”
This seems to have made a revival of sorts, which started with Antiques
Roadshow types, then filtered down to middle management. For the origins of this
phrase, view here:
Actually just stop using it because you were
TAKEN BACK, not taken a-back – if you literally were taken a back, you are there
fore in possession of a back which you are taking, and in theory it is not your
own, so f@#king leave it alone!
Number three, is an expression / phrase,
actually it’s an extra word that isn’t needed yet again. If something has
happened, I’ll tell you why. Not “I tell you for why” where the hell did the
‘for’ come from? It’s not needed- you tell someone why their goldfish is dead,
you tell someone why their car rolled off a cliff, at what point and for what
reason would you ‘tell them for why their gran has died’!! Stop adding in extra
words to pad out your limited vocabulary!!
31st October 2009
Post office unions- or unions in
Right then - I'm not
having a go as postal workers, I'm having a go at the company Royal Mail and the
Royal Mail has been
losing money for years - why? Because it's procedures for handling mail is so
antiquated and wastes time and money. It was set up hundreds of years ago and
they basic principals still need to apply - a person buys a stamp, puts it on
the letter, posts it, it gets delivered to the intended recipient.
What they have great
need for change is the bit in between. There is still the need for people to
collect the post from the mail boxes, there is still the need for people to
deliver the mail, there is still the need for people at the sorting offices to
respond to customers and for them to collect parcels, what they don't need is a
Big Brother, telling them to stamp their feet and not do any work.
union rep was on the radio the other day stating that "The union has benefited
all of it's members by outlawing bully tactics by other employees, equal rights
for all and a safe place to work" - I did want to call in and say that those
things are actual legal requirements, royal mail legally had to enforce those
rules, the unions didn't actually do that - all they do is get in a strop, stamp
their feet, fold their arms and refuse to do any work - like a 5 year old
We are
in the year 2009 and still have to put up with so called union 'leaders' trying
to run the country like it is 1970.
bottom line is - the management run the company, they could always close the
business down, sack everyone, create a new business, buy all the sorting gear,
premises and assets of the old company and start from a fresh view. They would
probably buy machines to make the processes quicker and easier, update the whole
system and employ half of the people there is now - it's the way the world works
- a job is no longer a job for life - things change - live with it. The whole
world of business is one of competition - Royal Mail no longer have a monopoly
and some of the others provide better service - so obviously some business will
be lost - unless they progress and update themselves.
times the sh!t hits you, sometimes it misses and gets the person behind.
point which puts me on the "just get on with your work" line is that posties are
all just sitting in line with what some pompous fool is telling them to do -
even if they want to go to work, but they won't actually do what their employer
wants them to do - surely the one who pays the wages is more important than the
one who fought to get you double quilted toilet paper?
We now
have email, internet, mobile phones and all sorts of new ways to make our lives
more convenient, but the Unions are trying to make Royal Mail drag their feet so
much that they eventually will end up closing down and taking the tax payers
money with them (due to so many government funds being wasted on keeping them in
the 70's).
I also
believe that the heads of business of Royal Mail aren't helping the situation,
but that's another rant (even still - If anyone else was in a meeting for days
on end and hadn't got even a minor resolution for any part of it - they would be
Anyway -
get back to work and bring me my unfathomable amount of junk mail I've been
missing so much! I have to work so why aren't you??
Marlon King
What a pillock
1 Day
The film called 1Day is
not being shown in Odeon and Cineworld Cinemas - the reason for this? It is a
film about Birmingham gangs and a story of the happenings. From what I heard on
the radio - it sounds pretty awful - when rival gangs are confronting each other
they use Grime and Rap before they kick off - just like in real life (not). The
cinemas refused to show it following "advice
from West Midlands Police" who were quoted as saying that it would cause
Ok how easily
influenced are teenagers - bearing in mind the film is a 15 certificate so isn't
exactly a shoot-em drugs fest with gratuitous fit nude birds thrown in? Since
when did the majority of kids watch one film and do exactly as they do? Ok so in
America (bearing in mind that probably a fair few million people saw the film)
one or two loons thought they were from the Matrix, but that's different,
because I believe kids aren't actually that easily influenced and dim. Yeah
they'll follow some silly fashions and bad music, but just because they see one
film about gangs, they're gonna go hell for leather and shoot everyone so they
can get a black Lexus seems a bit far fetched and, to be honest, the pathetic
view of some do-gooder who's never actually been out and experienced life from a
normal point of view.
Show the film - it's
not gonna cause riots and the apocalypse - although what you could do is cut out
some of the stupid talk like "ya get mi" and "wiv it bruv" or any use of the
word 'bear' / 'bare' instead of it's properly described use within the Collins
English Dictionary (ie the sentence "It's bear-hard to suss" ) etc etc
1st September 2009
Is it the beer or is it the football? - The Experiment
Experiment Report:
To determine that if I
didn't drink beer or Brandy, I would lose a bit of weight.
I predict that this may
have some truth to it, but also could depend on a lot of variables within the
Or it could be a total
waste of time.
I gave up drinking any alcoholic beverages for the space of 35 days. To
enforce this ruling If I went out, I drove everywhere and instead of beer or
brandy - I had soft-drinks.
I measured my weight at
various stages during the day to get an average weight for that day, plus to
pad out the graph to make it look a bit more scientific.
The graph below shows
the fluctuations in my weight during the testing period. Nice isn't it.

& Interpretations:
I observed that in
public the more people drink, the more b0ll0cks they talk and the louder they
become. There is also a stage in the night where everyone suddenly hits a
drunk barrier and seems to amplify these effects.
The results from this
experiment proved that it was a waste of time. There was no significant
difference in weight gain/loss and financially it was no different.
On the other hand, a
few things to notice next time you are out:
1 - The publicans may
have noticed the drunk barrier phenomenon and could indeed cash in on it -
with the use of tactics such as turning up the heating, putting salty snacks
around and choice songs from the jukebox.
2 - There is also no change of getting a p!55-head to be able to do complex
calculations, or refrain from singing.
3 - In more private surroundings it was observed that the drunk person's
reactions become gradually worse and proved that they are indeed a load of
pants at Fifa 2009!
4 - It's more fun being out on the p!55 than driving fools around.
1st September 2009
Right let's get this
clear, tracksuits - the clue is in their name. They are for wearing on the way
to, on the way back from, around or in the vicinity of - hold on - a running
track, or similar sports activity, where even slight exertion may be required.
What they aren't for is appearing on Jeremy Kyle, for waddling around Nettos or
to wear whilst stomping down the street, shouting at your kids who apparently,
by your own admission, have questionable parentages. Tracksuits also were
designed to give athletes some sort of body cooling, which are built-in to the
fabric or have special vents within it's designs. The tracksuits which pretend
to be sporty are nothing more than towels, sewn together with a logo badly
stitched to the back of the hoodie section (the hoodie - a different rant)
stating that the owner is either a "Gold-Digga", "Pineapple" or some other
"sick" label. Another issue with tracksuits, is that generally, with the
exception of Sumo wrestlers, Darts players and Shot putters, they are designed
for sports people who are athletically built, or aspire to be athletically
built. If you are a big wobbly mess with greasy hair, cake residue still
clinging onto your mouth area, a couple of chins and instead of a belly being
where a belly should be, there appears to be a couple of inner tubes, you really
should not try to pretend you are doing any sport, or in fact wear any sporting
gear! If you have no intention of using something for it's intended purpose than
don't bother getting it in the first place. You don't see people going to the
shops to buy a javelin, "just in case" or people buying lycra cycling shorts
"because they are comfy to lounge around in" so either get off your fat ar5e and
do some running or stop insulting people by pretending you could actually do
more exercise than just picking up a remote control!!!
22nd May 2009
Right a new season a new load of
complaints to have. I'm going to start on a subject that probably only involves
me and my annoyance- Adverts.
Coca-cola Radio Advert.
I hate this with a passion - the stupid
idea that someone orders a meal just to have a coke with it - You just don't,
never have or never will. Although coke as a drink is ok - it's not a great
subject for a radio advert. And the noise they have decided to use - the pouring
into a glass of ice simulated noise. I hate it with a passion - all it reminds
me of is all the times I've poured drinks when it gets an airlock and then glugs
the drink over the counter! There's another hatred of mine (nearly an OCD)!!!
Citroén Van advert.
I think it's a Citroen advert - might be
wrong - after hearing it a couple of times I got wound up and kept turning it
over. "Here comes Bob, There goes Bob" well obviously Bob is f@#@ing the load
off round the corner isn't he!!!!
Skills Centre
And another one that’s really annoying is
the Skills Centre. Two blokes Gary and Tony, who worked on-site 3 years ago but
obviously didn’t speak much to each other while working together. “Where did you
go?” Tony asks – who fekkin cares – If you haven’t bothered to contact each
other then why should you give a toss?!?!? “Working AND doing the course?!” Tony
says in a state of amazement, well obviously after an 8 hour shift there’s not
enough time left in the day for Tony to do anything other than watch telly
whilst munching pies!!!
Anyway, Gary give Tony a bit of card (cuz
he obviously can’t remember the name of a place he’s just been told) and the
part company again – without saying goodbye, proving that Gary once again
couldn’t care less about Tony – and neither do I. That advert grates my brain
because of its fake, annoying, amazement at minor achievement. Gary – stick
you’re “I’m my own boss now” up your backside and Tony, get back to Jeremy Kyle
and your Steak and Kidneys!!!!
Media Stirrers & Newcastle United
And what’s with the media trying to stir
things up in football. There was a report which says that Newcastle United might
sue Manchester United if we don’t put out our full team against Hull. This is
because there is a clause in the Premiership League contract that states we have
to send out a full-strength team. What it doesn’t say is that we have to field
our strongest / best team. Manchester have a full 3 days recovery until the
European Cup Final, which is more important to Manchester United? European Cup
Final or beating Hull when United are already the title winners for this
Now if United did field their best team
and lost against Hull, does that mean Newcastle would still sue, saying they
didn’t play good enough? If Newcastle sued Manchester, couldn’t Manchester
counter-sue saying that Newcastle have fielded a sub-standard team all season,
hence why they are in the bottom few, plus then go on to sue the rest of the
relegation-battle teams!
Of course some players will be rested or
‘not match fit’ for the last game, just because they are supposedly a big team
doesn’t mean they have a divine right to be in the Premiership, you have to play
38 games and get enough points to do that. Have a look at Stoke and see how it’s
done. Not pretty, not flash, but job done.
Sheffield United managed to sue West Ham,
but that was a different situation and shouldn’t have counted anyway – if
Manchester win or lose – Newcastle deserve relegation.
If this is just media hype, then, at the
risk of repeating myself, Newcastle deserve relegation. (see 14th
November 2008 rant)
Pansy Gig Attendees / Performers
I recently went to a gig where The
Prodigy were performing; being a pure gentleman of sophistication I ordered
seated tickets. The hotel we stayed at was adequate, the pubs we went to before
were ok and getting into the venue and to the seats was fine. The support act,
however, was the first turning point of the night. After a few beers (served in
2pint glasses – brilliant idea – I commend the NIA) Dizzy Rascal came on. His
name doesn’t really reflect his actual personage, Whiney Woosey would be more
accurate. After spouting out about ten minutes of incomprehensible wannabe
gangster cockney gibberish, the music stopped and the announcement made, “Please
can you stop throwing glow-sticks at me”. Very ‘Hood’ mate, very gangster.
Looking at the stage I noticed a couple getting thrown every now and then,
followed by a few plastic cups and another “Stop, stop, stop.” At this point I
gave my opinion of this by standing up and voicing that he may be a slight
sensitive. The lads to my left found this most amusing, whilst, of the couple on
my right the bloke chuckled and the female was decidedly not happy. After a few
beers later the main attraction came on, the crowd roared, the music blared,
everyone stood up and the female of the couple to our right went to the lobby.
Well a lot of music was played and everyone was enjoying it, then a break was
needed. Everyone piled into the lobby for beer and loo. And there she was,
sitting on her own in the corridor, her bloke came down to see her, “I don’t
like this music” was her first words. Minding my own business and trying not to
giggle I made my way for more beer and back to the seats.
Within a song or two, the couple were
back in the room, I thought he’d persuaded her to come back, but only for one
more song and they had left the building – no problems, more room for us. My
rant about this would be, “If you don’t like the music then why did you come in
the f@#king first place?!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!”
He should have brought a mate with him
Recycled Emails
Now that nearly everyone has email at
work and home etc, surely there should be a special force that makes sure that
old joke emails are forever deleted, to save the time wasted by people receiving
them or sending them on. Now I have to admit, most of the age-old emails are
always sent from a few people (how can I put this) who are my elders. But as
much as I tell them, yet again I get the same pictures I sent them three years
ago, the same stories about the Murphy Twins, and the same ones about golfers,
genies and Little Johnny. It’s hard to tell people to stop sending junk and
think about it first – “has this person already had this? Is this joke older
than Mount Vesuvius?”
If an email is brilliant, then yes-
forward it on, if it’s a joke that you seem to recall Mike Reid telling back in
the 70’s then I’ve probably been sent it 20 times already, so don’t bother!!!
Big Up!!!! – a little diversion from my
Big up to my mates professing “ Nope I
ain’t getting drunk and dancing on the table” and then the hardest part was
getting them down.
Big up to “You’ve Been Framed” after a
couple of bevvies, because it’s funny watching fat, old people falling over.
Big up to nut-megging Swinners – cuz it’s
too easy.
People to be thrown into the Dungeon of
Rafa Benitez – at the end of the season –
you are wrong and all your whineing proved nothing, apart from you were wrong.
Rafa Benitez – for being so bitter and
not being able to congratulate Ferguson.
Rafa Benitez – for complaining about
Rafa Benitez – is just (and I quote) A
Fat Spanish Waiter.
19th February 2009
Well, what shall I go on about this time?
Should I have a go at the government? Should I have a go at the Fat Cats in the
city for ruining Britain’s economy? Should I go on about the banks failing to
actually do a job and still getting paid bonuses? Should I rant about
recruitment agencies where the agents can’t actually be bothered?
Nope, I’m going to rant about the people
and the weather.
You may have noticed it snowed the other
week, not just a little, about 6 inches worth (be honest it wasn’t a foot or
anything – the settled snow on the back garden path was about 6 inches), but it
managed to bring the south to a sliding halt! Let’s look at what happened. One
night there was a snowfall, it turned everywhere white and made the roads a bit
slippy, so the obvious action for any motorist would be to drive more carefully
and make purposeful, not jerky movements. This seemed to elude certain members
of the road going public, but that wasn’t too bad. The next day it properly
dropped down, this showed up a lot of faults with people. Some didn’t turn up
for work because they were “Snowed In”, I can’t see how because last time I saw
the snow was only a couple of inches deep and that’s never been enough to stop a
1tonne car from driving. Then again it snowed. This time it was to sort out who
actually knew what they were doing. I had to put up with people in 4x4’s not
going to work because of the weather – what’s the point in having a 4 wheel
drive motor if you aren’t going to use it. Admittedly if you are sliding because
you slammed the brakes on, then yes it’s the same as any other car, but, if you
say you can’t drive anywhere and you own one of these then you are a wet
flannel. I don’t own a 4x4 – I own a front wheel drive estate – not good at
adverse weathers, but still I managed to get in without smashing into anything,
panicking, having to call out the emergency services or being worried about the
snow falling. All I had concerns about is the idiots driving along at normal
speeds, with the snow falling heavily, in white cars, with their lights not on.
Why not paint the tyres white for a bit more camouflage???? Then I get to a road
where some fool driver in a 1 series BMW has managed to wedge himself sideways
across the road. Bearing in mind this is a straight road, with new snow – all I
can summise is that he was a prat. Then the abandoned cars – pathetic – on a
straight dual carriageway main road where one lane was pure snow and the other
was slush. Why abandon your car? Just take it carefully!
Ok so there was an email from HR
informing everyone to go home due to the weather. No complaints about that – but
it amazes me to think there were people in purpose built vehicles not using them
for what they were supposedly designed for!!
Chelsea Taxis!! Tarts!
20th January 2009
Text – speak in email or letters.
Now text-talk is fine when texting –
items like “c u l8r” or “wtf r u up 2” – acceptable because if you can’t use
predictive text, it takes less time and requires less brain power (unless you’re
at the other end trying to decipher it).
What it is not good for is when writing
emails (with the exception of the ones I use, because I say it’s ok!!!) and
gives the impression that the email is written by a 15 year old spotty chav with
a matching tracksuit and Kappa trainers. You are writing an email and at the
speed most people type, then putting in the proper word will not slow them down
by too much, maybe a fraction of a second!?!
Admittedly I make the odd mistake with
spelling or grammar, but it seems to be a deliberate attempt at being as wrong
as possible. Fair enough, include little x’s at the end or some little logos to
express your feelings (known as emoticons for those of you over 35), but please
at least, if using the word ‘that’ spell it properly, it’s only one press extra
on the keyboard, it’s a little press that your right hand can deal with – and
one of the letters is repeated so in theory (according to your style of maths
probably) it is the same amount of letters.
Below are a few examples from one of
those silly chain emails I got sent (one to save the seals which showed a few of
the being clubbed than the gratuitous big eyes shot of a seal pup – just to get
the hearts squishy);
2. Melita plz help!!! |
Not really acceptable. |
6. Amelia how crule do people get in
this world? plz help hese poor animalsxx |
Spelling poor and using the ‘xx’ at the
end to prove she’s female. |
7. Cazza- i cant believe wht some people
would do |
Why not just spell ‘what’ properly??? |
65. Lucie..OMFG, Wot Thaa Hell Do Th!ose
Idiots Fink They r Doing? |
You can already picture this person,
black matching tracksuit, big bangle earrings, hair slicked back into pony
tail (a lá Leicester facelift) leaning up against a bus stop smiking a
lambert & butler) | culd ppl do tht 2 dem wot
have they done 2 us !!!!:'( |
This poor attempt at adding comment just
proved to confirm the fact that the next generation coming up really are
going to have a few dim ones amongst them, who will constantly end their
sentences with the word ‘innit’ | that do this are
bluddy sick |
If you’re going to make a point, make
sure the emphasised (if not somewhat ironic) word is spelt correctly. |
85.Jadeyy Partonn, Stop animal crueltyy
Not Nicee ! ! ! :'( x o |
Yes – use those double letters as if you
have a slur |
86. Rosieee Ward </3 Meannn peopless :'(
xx |
As above but with a different accent and
an emoticon in a pointy hat?? |
88. DevonMorgan, How Meen Can You Get
:'( |
Hmmm – doesn’t that spelling of the word
actually refer to a Breton saint, an Indian film or meaning 'fish' in Tamil? |
91.Abbie Grinsell(thats disgusting)Im
ashamed to be a human |
Yes, I bet you are. |
96.Olly Chubb wat sort! of guy is he to
do dat???! |
1 wat cn probly spell betr dan dat |
98. GAZ b omg hu would da 2 a cute icle
seal |
What a wet flannel of a person this one
is! |
103. natasha xx stop it its mining xx
plz sign ur name xx |
Not sure what clubbing seals has to do
with digging underground for items such as coal and diamonds? |
104. ♥hannah♥ please forward this. . .it
takes two minuets of your time but it could save two decades of theirs . . .
how can you not send this on ??? if you dont then these images will be
playing on
your mind for quite a long time i guess x x x i trust you ! ! !
I like this one, not only will it only
take two musical notations of your time, but she trusts us too. |
I beg to differ. I am not the murderer.
To be the murderer in the eyes of the law, I would have had something to do
with the actual deed. I neither asked them, hired them or persuaded them to
do it. |
110. Megan :( Omg :( Speechless :(
111.Kate.....utterly speechless...:( ! |
But by both stating that fact, then they
are not actually speechless. |
117.Richard Heritage they lukd soo cute
how cud they |
Another flannel |
! 118.sam townsend! |
MAT DAMON! (for those who have seen Team
America) |
119. Ashleigh Sullivan - i cant believe
they did that, seals = cute people = EVIL |
Ashleigh Sullivan = bell end |
As you can see from this simple example -
even the simples of tasks has turned into an English teachers nightmare. I would
even go so far as to say that not even Shakespeare himself wrote such a load of
Seasides – What has happened to them?
I know a lot of things were much better
when I was a child, because of a few points:
I didn’t have to work, so everything
to me was ‘free’
I hadn’t seen anything bigger or
better so it was amazing
The sea didn’t contain discarded
condoms or used bog roll
Candy floss was an amazing pink cloud
of sweetiness
I didn’t have to research before for
hotels and parking spaces etc
I didn’t have to think about what to
pack and what to leave behind
I didn’t have to think about whether
that bucket and spade really are worth £10 and why the set we bought last
year had disappeared
I didn’t see the old people sitting
on the front and realise I’m closer to that stage than ever before.
But now they seem to have been stuck in
the last century. Admittedly they all have the same theme – arcades, arcades,
arcades, pub, theme pub, greasy café, arcade, rock shop, gift shop, pier,
arcades, B&B, arcades ad maybe the odd ‘gentlemans club’ slung in on the end.
They used to be colourful loud exciting
places full of stuff to do and right on the edge of the most natural playground
– the beach. There were smelly donkeys for kids to ride 5 yards at 1mph with
miserable faces, there were deckchair hire people (who were shooting up in the
huts during their breaks), there was sand going on for miles - without a hint of
dog shite or raw sewage clumps, there was the sea. The sea went on for ever, you
were allowed to go out in it, splash about and generally be a kid. Now it’s been
restricted, you can’t swim here, or there, you can’t go out more than ankle
deep, you have to wear armbands up to the age of 15 and you aren’t allowed ball
games. What a load of old rubbish. Back in the days (I hate using that phrase
cuz it seems like a century ago) we were sent out running into the sea (of
course running is banned now too, along with petting), straight into the unknown
to splash face first into the water as a wave hits us with a bit more force than
we anticipated. We would pop back up out of the water, spit out a load of sea
water, blow snot out and carry on. There was non of this, crying because our
head went under, panic because our armbands might be going a little bit flat or
scream because the waves splashed them. Bloody bubble-wrapped generation! Things
have changed, it used to be ok to snorkel along the happily taking in a bit of
salt water and being unable to see anything as it was a bit murky and the sand
was moving around, now when you do that, you emerge from your snorkelling
session, having not even seen the sea bed (even tho you were only 2 feet away
from it), and with a sheet of used bog roll on the top of your snorkel, like a
flag from the great principality of Shitville and a condom fish stuck on your
back. Then there was the walk back up the beach, where you’d walk along, kicking
sand everywhere, oblivious to sunbathers who were now getting it glued to them
due to being smeared in copious amount of suncream – like a basted chicken. This
is a dodgy territory now, as kicking a bit of sand might reveal and let fly of,
a big lump of dog’s leavings, which can nearly be guaranteed for it to land on
the beach beastie, who’s been trying to perfect a summer burn (serves him right
And what is it with sun-tans? Is it to
prove you’ve been on holiday? Well you can do that ust by telling people – or
you could even wear a “I’ve been to Benidorm” t-shirt all the time – it’s just
as subtle. I see no benefit in getting a sun tan – unless skin cancer, prickly
heat or sun stroke are a favourite diversion for you. Sitting down or lying down
on a beach getting a tan is such a boring waste of time, even if there is a bit
of perving to be done, after a certain amount of time, this can wear thin (and
is a bad idea if you’re wearing swim shorts or, for some insanely stupid 80’s
reason, trunks) after a while and just ends up being dull. If you manage to
break through the boredom barrier, there is the risk of falling asleep, which
brings you back to the prickly heat / sun stroke scenario. Incidental tans are
ok though, if you work outside or have been on holiday, just doing your own
thing and happen to catch the sun – that is fine, trying to look like a roast
chicken is silly. “It’s relaxing” no it isn’t – it’s a boring waste of time and
makes you look like a load of elephant seals (would that be a shoal, a pride or
a blubber of elephant seals?
If you amazingly by chance or by sheer
determination, manage to either get a hired parasol, or bring your own to cover
you from frying, then you have the mission of having to move it every 10 mins or
re-position it as the sun moves and it keeps falling over, due to the lightest
breeze or some little shite kicking his ball at it.
Then there’s the question of “who ever
thought it a good idea to take a coolbox to the beach so you can have a picnic?”
There’s very little which is less appetising or appealing than having a manky,
mildly warm, sweating, floppy cheese sandwich with grains of the beach lightly
sprinkled on its’ edges. No matter how hard you try, you aren’t going to be able
to eat at a beach without a bit of silicon garnish.
I’m not even going to mention my feelings
about the following;
Beach sellers, Ice Cream vendors on the
beach, wasps, posers, attention seeking birds, huge ants or them other little
weird beach creatures that crawl, jump and hop about.
What I always find amazing is that, no
matter where I am, no matter what beach in the world I end up being forced to be
at, there is always that old bloke swimming up and down the coast line, with his
goggles and (more often than now) blue swimming cap. Why does he do this? He’s
there everywhere – same stroke, same speed, up and down the coastline. He’s
about 70, so he’s obviously a retired lifeguard or sommat, still up for showing
off to the ladies. He’s got an incidental tan – well semi-incidental as he’s
spent all his time swimming he just happens to have been out in the sun all
year. And how come when he gets out of the water, it’s like he’s just been
paddling and isn’t knackered at all?
I have kind of veered off to foreign
holidays but now will go back to the Brit coast.
Piers - once a great institution of a
coastal town / city / resort. On each pier were such great buildings of grandure,
such as a playhouse, an arcade, a bingo hall, a helter skelter and a
Not quite sure about the point of making
a theatre out 200 yards into the sea - unless it was just people during the
industrial revolution showing off and not predicting that the teens of the
future would find them extremely useful items to train their arson skills. But
build them they did and had such great acts as the classic comedians of the day,
variety shows and all sorts of other turd that the holiday public pretended to
love. Now the theme still runs but the big names have been replaced with such
jockeys as the Chuckle Brothers or Brian Connelly (ah! dungeon of slaps for this
w@nker), giving their greatest performance every night to a packed house of 30
people, who are all contemplating asking for their money back.
The bingo hall – well it’s full of old
people or people who have a tendancy to like wearing full towelling tracksuits,
people who seem to smoke a lot and people who use 10w40 to wash their hair. Old
people – fair enough, enjoy your bingo game, the rest – surely you have better
things to do, and stop checking out who’s won so that you can mug them!!
Arcade – “All the latest games” is the
basic message of the bill boards, what it should read is “All the games that the
other arcades have discarded as they are too old or have half the bulbs out on
them” There slider ones where you drop a 2p in, it bounces around a bit then
lands on a pile of 2p’s which seem to be glues on. If you’re lucky, after
putting about £2 worth of 2p’s in, you’ll win 4p back. Not the best investment
return ever offered. Or there’s the 5p fruit machines, with a jackpot payout of
£3 – amazing, how can they afford to risk it!?!? Well having a go on one of
these is a new experience which has to be adored. Not only are the machines
slightly worn – the reels don’t line up correctly, the start button is sticky
and half of the bulbs seem to have given up all hope. You put your money in to
be thrilled to see the reels spin, the first stops on a cherry, then second on a
cherry, then the third bounces to a halt half way between a pear and a silly
cartoon character (presumably some significance to the theme of the machine).
It’s like a dream come true, dimly flashing lights to give an atmosphere, the
thrill of the spinning reels and the joy and pressure of the 10p repeater. Or it
could be worse – you could be sitting on the beach in a gale force wind.
Helter skelter – the older I get the less
point these seem to have. I can’t even start on my lack of enthusiasm for these.
Rollercoaster – ok, so you’re 200 yards
out into the sea, unknowing on how deep the water is. You are basically standing
on an iron structure in salt water, which has rickety wooden slats as a
flooring. Iron isn’t known to be the most rust-resistant material, and
salt-water is quite a caustic mix for rusting, so that, added with untreated
wood beams (because wood will never rot, or wear) is a perfect platform for a
‘fast’, ‘exciting’, ‘thrilling’ ride. Rollercoasters are meant to be designed to
give the rider a thrill, whilst being perfectly safe. Safe only if they are
mounted securely and the secure mounting is not a rust-ridden, woodworm infected
floored, 200 yards out to sea bit of rickety scaffolding!!!!!
I’ll save the rest of the beach rant for
another time
4th December 2008
Getting older, slippers, keys and stuff
What is it with getting older that
changes a person so much? Personally I haven’t gone through many of the changes
yet but I can see them coming and are helpless to avoid them. Suddenly when a
person hit a certain age, they have a liking for slippers. Now I am the person
furthest away from ever wearing slippers or house shoes. It’s trainers all the
way for me, but there appears to be a love of slippers throughout the UK. They
are annoying, they are stupid looking, serve no extra value over wearing
trainers and frankly, make you look old. Who ever thought wearing fluffy /
tartan / Simpson / novelty items made from sponge and fluff on your feet would
be a good idea- basically you are now a bit more of a fire hazard than before
you started wearing these annoying cushioned plimsolls.
As I’ve grown older, an annoying
collection of keys has built up, half of which I don’t know what are for, the
other half I am so scared of losing, I have to keep other things attached to
them so it make them harder to lose. The end result being a pocket full of
metal, weighing in at a kilo, with an array of trinkets and shiny things that a
gyppo would be proud to have attached to their Elizabeth Duke stolen rope
necklace. There is no need for all these lock-operating instruments, but the day
I discard any one of them, the need for its usage will guaranteed to come to
light. In my childhood days, I lost a house key, whilst running home from
school, happily swinging the key around on it’s key ring, it flew off and (in
accordance with the level of luck I have been allocated through my whole life)
entered a drain, perfectly, without even touching the side and making a little
clink noise as if to say “up yours”. All I could see was a key disappearing into
the scummy muddy stuff that drains seemed to populate. It happened to me then
and it didn’t seem a big thing. If I lose them now, the skies would open and one
of the horsemen of the apocalypse would come and take me away to a land where I
have to spend the rest of my day putting charms into those stupid ‘Crocs’ shoes.
And as age sets in, where does the love
of easy listening music come from? Unfortunately I have to admit I do have a
liking for certain easy listening songs, but then again very few people are
happy when I’m listening to happy hardcore whilst driving. I can’t stand some of
the tripe that is rammed into my ears when an oldie is trundling along though.
Neil Diamond (apart from Sweet Caroline – cracking drunken song), Roy Orbison,
Leonard Cohen, Carpenters, bloody radio 2, 3, 4 and Classic FM load of tripe.
I’m not sure where easy listening comes from but I find it hard to listen to
very easily. I now have a bad feeling that some of the Hed Kandi chill-out
albums are actually the new-age easy listening genre – in which case I’m hitting
a certain age – sh!te!
Hair! Now what’s that about? Born with
hardly any, grow older, become a hippy, then as the hair falls out your head it
seems to stick and take root in your back, chest, rear end, ears, nose and any
other place that hair doesn’t seem so appealing. Why does nose hair have to grow
so long, when I was younger it didn’t grow outside of the confines of my
nostrils, now it’s trying to see the light. Fortunately I’m young enough to
notice this and get the buggers before they escape, but once a certain age is
reached, it seems acceptable for them to flow and even join together across the
filtrum, like a nasal beard. Ear hair is another thing that’s not high in the “I
find attractive” list by women, but yet it still gives it some effort from some
people, oblivious to the bonsai garden erupting from their wing-nuts. Some times
I’m glad I cut my hair short now, because, apart from hiding my low-tide
hairline, it saves me from having to style it like these tarts that look like
they just woke up or are related to chickens.
Fashion sense – to be honest this has
been done so many times I can’t even start to go into it, apart from coats. Very
rarely will you see a young (or youngish) couple walking along wearing matching
coats (unless they were complete geeks at school). It’s a phenomenon in which
recently retired people seem to embrace. And embrace it with badly fitting,
badly designed, cheap, loud coloured pieced of man-made materials they do,
looking like a married couple from Sesame Street. Walking along (or rambling as
some of the extremists call it) holding hands or a stick each, looking at the
British countryside in the wind, rain and cold of a weekend, remarking on how
lovely the view is, how tall the lighthouse is or how cold it is and how they
can’t wait for “a nice cup of tea from the flask in the car”.
Flasks! Blimey, either used for kids at
first school to put orange / blackcurrant in or just-retired people to have tea
or weak soup in. and they never look right. Who ever decided it would be a nice
holiday thing to do, sitting in a car, near the edge of a cliff or beach,
shivering whilst trying to pour barely flavoured water into a plastic cup full
of grains of sand and grit from the floor of the car boot. Then they do that
thing where they take a sip and make that “aaahhhhh” noise, comment on how
‘lovely’ it is to have a ‘warm cuppa’. If it’s that good – stay at home and have
Old people at the seaside! They love it
don’t they! Like it’s a new thing to go there! I’m sure everyone over the age of
50 in this kingdom has been to every coastal beach there is available in the UK.
They go there for ‘mystery tours’, for weekends, weeks or even to retire, and
why? To sit on the promenade (I hate that word, along with pelmet, feature wall
and lace), legs akimbo, looking at the sea, complaining about all and sundry. I
can emphasise the facing the sea setting the world to rights (with a can
containing fermented vegetable drinks), but do they all have to wear the same
type duffle coat thingy with big buttons and one of them round kind of hat that
looks like a tea-cosy? And it always makes me laugh that they clamber on the
seaside ‘train’ (which is actually a small diesel engine novelty car with wood
screwed into it to make it look like a train) for a trip along the sea front,
only to end up staring at people walking and looking generally miserable. It’s
genius. Then not only have the ability to look ridiculous, like they are on a
children’s ride, but to frown with such skill that their wrinkles double and
become a whole shipment of Pug dogs.
Sea sides aren’t what they used to be
either. But I’ll have a go at them another time!!!!
14th November 2008
Kind of a rant, but
more of a Robservation - How I see it: The Premier League as it stands.
1 Chelsea - It is good
to see Scolari taking a loss from a lower league team with such humility. It's
time Chelsea fans realised that they haven't won everything and can't win
everything - take a note from your new manager. And does Drogba always have to
go throwing his money around?
2 Liverpool - Felling
the strain now you're owners hate each other? Never mind - go and ring a few
cars - they'll fetch you enough funds to buy the shares back.
3 Arsenal - Arsene
Wenger is off on one again - is he ever going to be happy to see football being
played as the rule book states? With tackles, throw-ins and all sorts of other
parts of a CONTACT sport thrown in? oh no, sorry - we're not allowed to touch
his players because they are all under 12 and need a wee if someone gets too
close. Why don't they just play "throw the beanbag into the bucket" instead!
4 Man Utd - we're not
doing as well as I thought but it could be worse.
5 Aston Villa - doing
surprisingly well to be honest. Looks like they'll have a good season - even if
Martin is off his head.
6 Hull - WTF are they
doing here? Did all the flooding suddenly mutate them into footballers? Give it
another season to see them relegated.
7 Everton - Doing
pretty well too. Although I heard they are starting a new band up "Moyes II Men"
8 Middlesbrough -
Gareth Southgate - what a handsome fella - and fitting for such an awesome team
- these should be relegated just for having the nuance to stay in the prem. Ave
attendance of 1,200 isn't good enough!
9 Portsmouth - Tony
Adams should really take a note from Harry and leave this place quickly before
he ends up with the key to the city.
10 Fulham - Jimmy
Bullard and Andy (Beckham look-a-like) Johnson hold this team together, still a
load of pants tho.
11 Bolton - Megson
will be fired soon, it must be something about the Reebok stadium that requires
the home team to field 9 defenders.
12 Stoke - I have no
complaints about this team - hard challenging, full effort and a bloke who can
take throw-ins like Jenna Jameson takes love-lengths. Hard and fast. I
especially like this team due to them making Wenger cry after they got a few
players injured.
13 Man City - All the
money in the world- and not an ounce of success. Hughes - leave them - Mourinho
will come in, be creamed on and ruin them.
14 West Ham - I
actually think XL shut down, not because of going into administration, just to
dodge being sponsors of this mediocre, dull and dreary team.
15 Blackburn - Not a
nice place.
16 Tottenham - Harry
Redknapp - what has he given the Spurs team? Has he threatened to sleep with
them if they don't win? To hear Liverpool fans saying that they had a weakened
team out which is why they got beat (twice in a row) makes me laugh - it's still
a Liverpool team - no matter if there is a load of youngsters there - it's the
team that the manager thought would win the game.
17 Wigan - What have
you done with Emile Heskey? He plays for England and suddenly he re-gains form.
Is it the joy of not having to play in a place it rains every day?
Newcastle - HA HA HA HA HA I hope you get relegated.
19 Sunderland - Come
on Keano - you should know by now that winning is what you're about. Kenwyn
Jones got compared to a bad Kanu the other day. Actually I'm thinking more of a
Jason Lee.
20 West Brom - Bit
obvious wasn't it.
5th August 2008
England Games
This rant was
suggested by Karl, so in his behalf I shall complain...
Why are the national
team game held on Setanta or Sky? How come the national team isn't playing on
national telly where we've paid for the licence to watch and should be having
programmes we want to watch? Doesn't Sky and Setanta give the FA enough money to
live on? Are they so strapped for cash that any international games have to be
pay-per-view? And besides, all of the England games since we were beaten in the
world cup in Japan have been dull, lifeless boring and frankly embarrassing. To
think that the premiership is classed as the best league in the world (probably
only by which ever station is broadcasting it) and we can only supply a
half-hearted team that is now probably ranked 30th in the world. If
the new breed of England players looked back over games, they would find out why
it's important to wear an England shirt and put some effort in. Players like
Pearce, Robson, Adams and Sheringham would never let their players go at half
pace, they would be kicking their backsides to put more effort in! Now a days
there's only a couple worthy of an England shirt - and from a totally bias point
of view, certain ones should be ditched as they are well above their station and
apparently bigger than England (Lampard, Gerrard, James, Ashley Cole).
Either put some effort
in or retire from international duty - and while you're at it - BBC, put some
effort in acquiring the games!
Big Brother
Thanks f@#k for that -
another few weeks load of TV tripe has finished. "I know, what we'll do is put a
dozen idiots in a house and watch them" was the general idea of the show and how
big has it become! Showing that the world is full of TV mush-heads actually
watching this junk, where the idiots inside the house do very little apart from
argue, cook, sit in the garden and prove that the general public;
have money to waste on premium rate calls to vote
who leaves a house
will watch anything that is advertised enough
believe they enjoy it because some over-hyped
presenter is on it
have so little going on, they sit in their living
rooms watching people sitting in a living room.
The show has only
managed to produce a few H-list celebrities, some singers who go to number 156
in the charts and a load of people who now turn up to open supermarkets or local
swimming pools. Well done, you all got your 15 mins of fame and what a bunch of
tw@ts you made yourself look.
People to be thrown
into the corridor of back-hand bitch-slaps
Kevin Keegan - Has the
career morals of Jim Royal. Learn to put up with the bosses you muppet.
The Geordie on 5-Live
who when asked, "Do you think that Kevin Keegan is a quitter?" he replied "Kevin
is definitely not a quitter" (after he quit the Newcastle job).
Steve McLaren - Summed
up by the radio 5 commentator being in stitches as Steve conducted an interview
and put on a poor Dutch accent.
New rule - your
Give me a rant and
I'll edit it - or give me something to complain about and I'll give it a go!!!!
Its all about getting the viewer involved (any poor requests will be ignored)
5th August 2008
This one has probably
been done a million times now, but I'll carry on regardless. And here it is
again - crappy weather during summer. Understandable England is located quite a
way up from the equator, but it doesn't justify the toss weather we have here.
What happens is that every Monday the sun is out, the skies go blue and the heat
turns up. As you go through the week the weather stays the same, right up until
4pm on Friday, when it tips down, the wind blows and puts a right crapper on the
weekend. So the 2 out of 7 days we have to enjoy ourselves, are totally dumped
on because you get soaked, blown about or generally treated badly by the weather
system. What I propose is that we move the week forward (or backward) 2 days.
Then Saturday would be Thursday, Friday would be Wednesday and Sunday would be
Friday - so at 4pm Sunday (when you're not doing much in particular) you've have
it pouring down outside and end up having to chill at home. Simple but effective
way of making it nicer on weekends!
What a bunch of
children. If they aren't arguing, they are slagging each other off or telling
everyone how great they are. Ok so we get a prime minister who fell into the job
rather than got voted in, then he has an election where no-one opposed him, now
everyone slates him for being rubbish. If he's that bad he should have got voted
out. Now I'm not a fan of Brown - neither an opposer- I couldn't care less. They
are all full of lies, secret agendas and blame. What is really annoying is that
they spend most of the time bickering on stupid little points like a pair of 5
year old would about an ice cream, then they have the cheek to say that they
would be the best people in the job - and prove this by dancing like a dad in
some party function in Blackpool. And another thing is they don't have the balls
to stop major companies taking the p!ss out of the country. "Oh we're British
Gas and we can raise our prices by how much we like" but the government have a
debate, say it's not good and then advise companies to stop giving pay rises and
then that'll stop inflation. No, what it'll do is make everyone skint and end up
in big debt, apart from the politicians who earn enough not to give a toss about
the price of petrol or anything else. Grow up you bunch of bad-suit wearing,
geeky, turd-talking, failed accountants.
People to be thrown
into the dungeon of slappings
It's got to be the
leaders all the political parties, except Screaming Lord Sutch - he can have a
nice walk around the park.
Christiano Ronaldo is
to be given a guided tour around the dungeon - because if he carries on messing
about saying he wants to go to Real then changing his mind, he'll be chucked in
there and be forced to listen to Frank Lampard trying to give a speech for the
rest of eternity.
5th July 2008
Banoffee Pie
I hate this stupid
description for a pudding it's a load of fuank (to coin the naming persons'
logic). It's a banana and toffee pie, to actually think about it, it's a pretty
disgusting combination, but then again that's down to personal taste. This
dis-gruntledness also expands to any food which has been double-named to make it
sound funky or a bit different. Frubes - fruit in a tube and something even kids
think is a bit childish. Choco-pops - or whatever they are called now - and
that's another thing- why have they changed the coco-pops advert to include that
stupid slogan that doesn't work??? "Coco-pops and milk make a bowl full of
fun??? Marketing retards!
Premium Account
Internet things
This isn't one of
those sleazy websites, it is for hosting websites. PhotoBucket, PictureTrail,
FlickR and all of those other type of sites which give you "Free Image Hosting"
and all these other features that draw you in, thinking you can distribute your
photos to all your family at the click of a button. So you sign up for free and
get going. Only to find out that to get the function of 1 click distribution,
you have to subscribe. What a load of toss! So without wanting to admit defeat,
you have to up load each picture individually, or in a bulk load using their
unstable free uploader tool, which keeps crashing the pc. After 10 hours of
uploading, 12 crashes and 20 pics uploaded, you now have to individually sort
them into folders. Bearing in mind that if you subscribe, his could be done with
a single click, but because it's free, it has to be done manually and with
adverts all over the place. The only way I can see of getting out of this loop
of hell is to tell the family "No, I didn't take any photos". The web = free
stuff is generally crap.
Flying tax-men
basically. Britain seems to be getting a growing population of these little
Farqhuars! They are annoying in a couple of ways, not only do they suck your
blood without asking, their bites itch and they can transmit disease. Also, if
you're watching telly with the lights off, they seem to fin it irresistible to
whiz past the screen at the most annoying times (just before a punch-line,
horror bit or main part of the film), causing you to pause the program, turn on
the light and spend the next ten minutes looking like a demented bedroom-lion
about to attack the tiny flying gazelle with the tissue of doom. So you can't
find it after a few minutes of hunting. Off the light goes and back to the
program. The little bar-steward whizzes past the screen again, and the ritual
starts again, only to give up after the 3rd attempt, go to sleep and
wake up the next morning with a dozen bites and a little note on your pillow
saying "F@#K You, I got your blood and I'll be back tomorrow!"
People to be sent to
the hall of slaps
Joey Barton - You're a
premiership footballer who keeps fighting because "people taunt you" - so what,
go home with your £50k per week and deal with it! Such a tragedy that people
give you stick!!!
The beach attendants
at Golden Beach - Malta - For one day pulling out all the stops to sort us sun-loungers,
parasols , drinks and food and for then next not being bothered because we
didn't want beers straight away.
Ryanair - I know the flights are cheap, no frills
and basic, but normally courtesy is something that is required from any service
provider, actually from everyone. If you employ flight attendants, make sure
they aren't rude old battle-axes with more pre-menstrual tension than Maggie
Thatcher after she's found out that the Falklands are actually Argentinean!
11th June 2008
Ok I know it's been a while, but I've been quite happy recently, until Big
Brother started.
Big Brother
This is meant to be a
reality show. Surely the whole set up proves that it it no reality show - in
reality, you don't have a dozen vetted weirdos in a house, locked up so they
can't get out, fed cheap booze, given jacuzzis saunas and everything else they
need to live comfortably. And why do people watch this rubbish? If I wanted to
watch someone doing nothing I'd go to the old folks home and get the same
result. But no - people watch this cr@p and even have enough time to waste to
watch the extended program on digital. Where the block out the sound, because
it's nearly live, as people are talking about stuff that may be found offensive.
So how pathetic is that. You're sitting in a room, watching people sitting in a
room, not being able to hear what they say and they are doing as little as you
are. Get out, do something and stop feeding your mashed up brain with this
Sports Programmes
During Euro 2008
Right, England aren't
in the Euros this year, we failed as our team were so pathetically rubbish, very
few players actually put effort into the games. So why do the commentators keep
on going on about Englad during the games, commentry and summaries? Face the
fact, BBC, SKY and ITV, that we didn't make it through to the Euros, and talk
about the teams that did. There's no point in telling us that Gerrard says that
he thinks they would have done OK against the Germans, because we're not in it -
obviously it proves that we weren't good enough. I'm a supporter of England, but
it is majorly annoying that people can't let it lie that during the qualifiers,
we were sh!te!!!!!!!!
Forward This Email To
## People
Self inflicted spam.
If you receive and email telling you to send it to 7 or 10 or 100 friends
otherwise you will blow up, have no luck for the rest of your life, or a
'special thing will happen on your screen', then just delete it. Don't send it
on to me as nothing like this works, unless you have installed something from
the email, which probably mean you now have a virus anyway. Alll they serve is
to fill up your inbox, waste my time and prove your lack of understanding of
computer systems.. And the people who create them? Nothing better to do with
their lives.
People to be sent to
the hall of slaps
David Pleat - To usde
the phrase "Spain won't get very far with poor defensive shows like that" as
they were 4-1 up against the Russians. They will go far if they keep scoring 3
more than their opponents!!!
Gatusso, Van Persie,
Ljungberg, Del Piero, Podolski, Lehmann and Henry - For being in the Euros when
you actually should be in a big tub of horse leavings.
Words/phrases to be
Blog - Web-log? Online
diary for people who aren't really doing anything - read by people who do even
less (similar to big brother)
Big Up
The Dutch team (apart
from Van Persie) for wiping out Italy
7th May 2008
Phone Calls
How come the phone
always rings at the wrong time?? The other day i was lugging a wardrobe up the
stairs, on my own - so it wasn;t the most easy task in the world. I've struggled
with this 70 kg beast to half way up the stairs, and have managed to get into a
position where if i let go, it would all end in a big mess and a few choice
words. So the phone rings. To add to the struggle, you get the feeling that you
really should answer it, so there i am, half way up the stairs, fighting a
wardrobe and contemplating wether i should let it drop, probably to find that
it's a wrong number or someone wants to sell me windows. So as usual, i ignore
it. I get the wardrobe to the top of the stairs and put it in it's place. Note:
the phone doesn't ring now when i could actually do with a break!!! So then i
get to work on the task of getting the second one up the stairs - exactly the
same thing, when at a pivitol moment which could see me joining the wardrobe at
the bottom of the stairs in a human/wood mess combination, the bloody phone
rings again!!!. I ignore and arry on as normal. Later in the day the missus
comes home and says " you've missed 3 calls, how come you didn't answer it?"
after ignoring this question i decide to get dinner. So i sit down with my
pathetic effort of a microwave 'meal' (term used loosely for the pre-formed mass
of semi-synthetic mush on my plate) so i can relax and consume plastic at my
leisure and what happens? bloody phone starts ringing.
Play acting
This has got to be the
worst thing that has come into football since Klinsmann. I went to the United
game v West Ham - who we thoroughly spanked, but the game was slightly marred by
the fact that United only had 10 men. The reason for this? Well, Nani got sent
off. He 'headbutted' an opposition player. I can understand this is a sending
off offence, but when a so-called headbut is mearely a brush of eyebrows, i fail
to see how much damage that can cause. Now Nani was wrong for doing this,. Lucas
Neil should feel ashamed for being such a wuss and diving backwards like a
sledge hammer had just smashed through his face, but Nani should have been
slapped round the face for diving down too! As much comedy value as it had,
there still lies a part of me that dislikes this Platoon style diving rubbish.
When you are taken out, land like you have been taken out, not roll 30 yards up
the field, screaming like you're giving birth. Every now and then, take on a
tackle and you might actually get through it, without having to beg the ref for
a free kick like a scabby whore trying to get business from a rich man. To
summaries, stop falling on the floor, the only person allowed to do this is
Ronaldo - and he's stopped doing it too!
Club Free-loaders
You can see them a
mile off, standing in the queue outside the nightclub, looking fine and chatting
to people. You think they look like a good laugh and maybe have a chance as
they've chatted to you, but you fall into that silly spell of offering to buy
them a drink. This is a little game me and the missus play, we'll be queueing
to get into a club and there will be two girls, tiny skirts & tops, nice hair
and makeup - minute handbags - not enough space to fit lipstick and money, so
obviously the money isn;t taken. They first arrive in the club with the lads
they have been chatting to outside, go to the bar and the lads (guaranteed) will
offer to buy yhtm a drink, they turn to each other and agree on some bottle of
tart-fuel (usually WKD or Smirnoff Ice) and proceed to drink them through a
straw. After a while of chatting to the lads, they'll go for a wander, only to
bump into another group of lads, who do the same. This will go on all night,
teasing the lads, getting them to buy drinks and generally fleecing the poor
boys, under the hope that one of them might get a date out of it. Sitting back
and watching this is funny, especially if you see one of the culprits slip over
on a pile of puke, left by an over-enthusiastic drinker, or seeing their face
when someone refuses to buy them a drink. Bottom line - stop doing it you
skanks, get your own drinks and leave the brainless boys alone!!!!
People to be sent to
the hall of slaps
Poke in the head for
me for noticing that i spelt foie gras wrongly.
Kerry McFadden (or
whatever her bloody name is now) - One minute she's in 'OK' magazine (or some
similar amount of tripe) saying how she's a good mother, then next she's in the
papers snorting a £200 line of coke and how bad she is. Sort it our woman!!!
27th March 2008
Writers Block
I hate having writers block - i can't even complain about anything!
Wannabe, Overly-enthusiastic supporters
I lied about not involving football, but it can apply to any sport.
I hate sitting next to or near anyone who sees it right to jump up, shout,
celebrate and complain about a match, when actually there is nothing going on.
You fool! You jump up and shout out at the ref on how bad a decision he's made
when he's gave a throw on to the opposition on the half way line, when our
player has slide tackled the ball out! You scream at a player to be subbed when
he misses a chance, even though he's taken the ball half way up the pitch,
skinning 5 players and eventually having to take a snapshot as there's no
support! You shout inane comments like, "Why are you clearing the ball - run it
out!" when there are 2 defenders and 4 opposition attacking the area. You wave
your arms about like there is a plague of imaginary flies in front of you, talk
a load of crap about how they shouldn't man-mark players and think every attack
should end up in a goal. It doesn't happen like that! You have to build, you
have to clear the ball when it needs clearing and you have to stop getting on my
nerves or I'm going to throw you into the away end!
Words to be banned
Infomercial - utter marketing cabbage. It's an advert that informs you of
something - like toss is it!
Words to be used more
Plimsoll - cracking invention to show a coming of age. You know you are hitting
teenage years when you refuse to wear them for PE any more
People to be thrown into the dungeon of slaps
Muffcarano - HA HA HA keep it shut matey and you might even go a full 90 mins,
oh, that'll be you getting sent off then.
The bloke sitting next to me at the United v Liverpool Game - Shut up - you turn
up once every 5 months and talk utter junk in an overly-high pitched voice. When
you learn that Rooney doesn't have to score every game to be a major part of the
team, then I will stop deliberately ignoring you.
19th March 2008
How come the paperless office has turned
into a paper-filled, electronic application backed-up pile place where
everything has to be electronically agreed then manually signed off? Surely in
this electronic world where everything can be password coded, instantly
transferred and electronically tagged, we shouldn’t have to fill in any paper
forms to coincide with this tripe! I spend a large amount of the day shuffling
papers around and checking computer screens, when all that needs to be done is
to lose all the paper and make the on-screen forms more user friendly. Tell the
accountants and auditors that data on a pc can be changed as easily as on a bit
of paper, but can be protected without it having to go into a safe. And what’s
the point in auditors coming in and checking that every transaction is going
smoothly, surely they could do this from a download onto on major program that
checks for anomalies? When I was a kid there was all these sci-fi programs that
promised floating cars, cd players in every home and computers that could run
the house for you. Most of it has come around but the paper pushers seem to have
taken a firm grip, just solely to make me have to do filing every 6 months!
Words/Phrases to be banned
Chortle – No-one chortles,
they giggle, smirk, laugh or snigger. Chortling went out in 1920 and stayed out.
Guffaw – see chortle.
People to be sent to the dungeon of slaps
New section – easy to understand – if I
don’t like them – they get slapped until they realise how wrong they are.
Jamie Cullam – stop messing
around, either play the piano or get off. You shouldn’t be standing on a piano
Alan Carr - You annoying
unfunny turd – you should really see a dentist.
Words/Phrases to be
used more frequently
Gammy – adj. Brit Slang, (of the leg) lame
Gangue – n. valueless material in an ore
Gamine - .n a slim and boyish girl or young
Bunky Chollox
Club Hook Lynx
Lunchbox Yolk
Holy Clunk-box
13th March 2008
Daytime Telly
I’ve been off ill for a couple of days and had the delights of enduring day-time
TV. What a load of rubbish. If it’s not Chav’s and their pathetic problems it’s
just-passed-middle-age wrinkle raisin faced ‘celebrity’ housewives talking a
load of junk about how they run their house and how great they are. Jeremy Kyle,
is light entertainment because it serves to prove that there are people out
there with a lower IQ than 100 and that some people really do buy matching
Burberry tracksuit top and bottoms. Loose Women – load of sexist junk – if 5
blokes did the same program, it would be banned for being sexist. Either way –
I’d rather have been at work feeling ill than suffering that load of mind-w@nk
Some emotions are worse than this, but not many are so frustrating. How annoying
is it being bored, don’t wanna do anything, can’t be bothered, need to do
sommat but don’t know what. The only cure for this I think is to go out down the
pub, play football or go all Matrix Los Angeles gunman on the world!
Not the kind which is produced by digestive gasses, but the stuff we call
weather. Wind is the most annoying weather because it makes everyone look bloody
stupid. Rain – it’s wet, but only gets you wet – and a brolly or coat will stop
it’s effects. Snow – kind of the same, but actually fun. Sunshine is good – you
can do stuff in the sunshine. But wind – it’s just the most annoying thing in
the world. You try walking in the wind without looking like a fool. If you’re in
a suit, you spend most of the time with your tie slapping you in the face, if
you wear a skirt (not from personal experience) it flies up all the time and it
only serves to worsen any other weather that is happening at the same time.
Words/Phrases to be banned
‘Time’ – as in “I haven’t seen you for time” – chav speak so it’s obviously
below normal human standards
guesstimate – it’s either an estimation based on knowledge and fact or it’s a
guess – it can’t be both, unless you’re a bell-end
People to be sent to the dungeon of slaps
Loose Women – the ones off the telly program, for being boring muppets who
shriek at nothing.
Joe Pasquale – your voice is not funny, it’s put on and you are going down a
very steep slope into holiday camp entertainership
5th March 2008
The world was a much better place before computers got involved. When I was a
lad, computers were huge things that sat in special rooms, only being used to
churn out numbers. Such an advancement has been made in recent years that they
are everywhere - and all of the crashing when the user is half way through
something! Why do these things, which apparently working totally by logic,
freeze mid-document, when the only thing being changed is a key press on the
keyboard – the simplest of tasks for a pc to intake! And what power-crazed fool
decided on the error messages? “you have performed an illegal operation” “this
program has stopped responding” and the ultimate insult “you failed to shut down
your pc properly…..” No, the fault was not by me trying to create some
super-giant-complicated program to take over the world, I was writing an email
to someone- and you had a benny! It’s not my fault you crashed – it’s yours,
you stupid lump of carbon-based illogical cow!
Friendship Emails
Why are there people in the world creating emails that “Give me good luck if I
forward it on to 20 people in the next minute” or “Show you’re a true friend”.
Load of cobblers. They are all the same tripe, telling you how nice you are, how
important and that you’ll get years of bad luck if you don’t forward on a bit of
electronic code. Well balls to em – I’ve decided to bin anything telling me to
forward to ‘at least ## people’. I’d like to know who these people are so I can
give them 10 mins of bad luck at the end of my foot! Actually I may start one up
offering 10 years of bad luck if you DO forward it on – then see how long it
comes round the world back to me. And another thing – if you’ve seen a funny
before – don’t send it on either – the likeliness is that if you’re seen it, so
has the person you’re sending it to - as we’re only 6 people away from knowing
everyone in the world!
Words/Phrases to be banned
Equidistant – they are of equal distance to each other – stop trying to merge
words you twappet
Equalized – and any other American spelling of words – USA – we gave you a
language – kindly use it!
People to be sent to the dungeon of slaps
New section – easy to understand – if I don’t like them – they get slapped until
they realise how wrong they are.
David Dickenson – orange pan-faced fraud married to Tina Turners’ more wrinkly
Gatusso – you may play for AC Milan, but Arsenal beat you and you deserve to be
gutted – Stig of the dump!
25th February 2008
Back again with more ramblings.
“What have you been up to?”
Let’s start with what’s happened
recently. Nothing. When you see someone you haven’t seen for ages, they all ask,
“What have you been up to?” and the only answer most people come up with is,
“not much really”. I am one of these people. It’s an empty question that you
cannot answer unless you’ve done something amazing, like flew a helicopter into
a war zone to save some baby goats, or ate dinner with the queen and started a
food fight. Basically it’s just a rubbish question. Everyone HAS been doing
something, but with that question the person is obliged to try and sum it all up
with a one-sentence answer, usually summing up to “nothing much”, or, “same as
usual”. Next time we see someone we haven’t seen for ages, lets ask a new
question, like “are you still straight?” or “I’m surprised you haven’t been sent
to prison yet, how have you managed to dodge the law for this long?” basically
give an honest question of how you feel about them.
Jamie Oliver
Ok clean version – I think he is an
annoying ‘mockney’ who doesn’t realise that he spits on all of his food due to
his speech impediment. He goes around telling people how to eat properly and
healthily in schools, sells all sorts of over-flamboyant food for Sainsbury’s
and basically is an annoying-wannabe-uni-student turd. He went to schools and
told them that kids are getting fat due to bad food. Ok fair enough, nothing to
do with only the 1 hour of PE they have each week? Nothing to do with the fact
that they aren’t allowed to run around in the playground? Nothing to do with the
fact that no kids are allowed out to play, run around and get injured any more?
And how can he go on about healthy food?? In the latest advert he’s feeding fat
cabbie pork sausages!!! As long as he gets his knighthood for supposedly helping
kids get healthy, he’ll sell his backside to anyone!
Talking with mouth full
Not actually the right header but it’s in
the same area. Why do people complain about someone talking with their mouth
full when it seems that they wait until someone is eating before asking a
question? It happens more frequently than I care to mention, but it appears that
when I am eating, the questioner will wait until I’ve got a mouthful of
foodstuffs until their question is asked, it then appears that I am ignoring
that person because I don’t immediately answer. I have resolved this problem
with some people by instantly gobbing all my food out onto the floor (or at
them), then answering. If this happens in frequently enough, then I’m sure the
questioner will actually grow some patience and wait to ask or for the answer.
Words/Phrases to be banned
Hoh-e-hoh –
the noise that unimaginative people make when trying to sound like a Frenchman
Hitherto –
created by legal people to sound intelligent
People to be sent to the dungeon of slaps
New section – easy to understand – if I
don’t like them – they get slapped until they realise how wrong they are.
Warnock – For not realising that sometimes you lose because you aren’t as good.
Oliver – Slobbering sausage jockey
Kay – You are the male equivalent of Sarah Cox – you annoying loudmouthed
Sarah Cox –
20th February 2008
Pork Scratchings
I have been eating pig
fat (commonly known as Pork Scratchings) since I was about 5, back in the days
when kids were allowed to try foods without being scared of allergies. Mum used
to go to the cash & carry in Northampton and come back with all sorts of
cardboard ‘sheets’ of varied goodies. Scratchings, nuts, crisps and even sweets
(and did I develop an attention deficiency syndrome? Did I die due to being
allergic to nuts? Did I have to get a set of false teeth by the time I was 25?
Was I too hyper that I needed ‘special’ attention? No!!!) This has given me the
position of knowledge I have about such a matter. I tend to find the best ones
are in random pubs in just a clear sandwich bag with a tie on the top. There are
varying differences between brands, summarised as such:
- The Sandwich Bag –
Huge lumps of pig fat, no health warnings, no idea as to where they come from
- marvellous
- Mr Porky Scratchings
– Consistently crunchy, quite salty but edging towards being as good as the
sandwich bag.
- Black Country -
Tends to have a wide variance of solid and squishy contents. The squishy ones
can seem wrong sometimes – like a coffee revel.
- Mr Porky Crackling –
these aren’t real – they are rubbish
One thing to note, as a
connoisseur, is the shape and formation of such a treat. Only last night did one
resemble a part of Tina Turner that only the front of her latest audience would
have seen.
Lesson ends.
It’s like a strawberry
flavoured soft cheese drink. It also contains Guar Gum, which is a thickener.
Years ago this Guar Gum was marketed as a slimming aid because it swelled up in
the stomach and turned into a big blob of chewing-gumesque mass. It (according
to Esther Ranzen on ‘That’s Life’) caused a lot of people to be constipated as
they were unable to pass this gooey mess. It was also demonstrated as being
slightly dodgy when she put a pack of pills down the loo and it managed to clog
the system totally – like silicone sealant. This stuff is also in Sunny Delight
– but don’t get me started on that.
Neil Warnock
Stop whinging (tried to
stay off the football subject but couldn’t) - You can never see the fact that
when a team beats you, it’s because they are better.
Words/Phrases to be
This section will have
to be broken down over many weeks, but to start off with;
- Moreish - it’s a
stupid word that shouldn’t exist, created by some overweight chocolate
munching housewife magazine.
- Goujon – Ok, if
you’re French, use it – any English person trying to say it sounds wrong.
- Frois-Grois – See
More from me soon... Rob